
class  FrameBuffer;

Represents an Opengl FBO (FrameBufferObject)

GLuint  fbo;

The OpenGL FBO name


Creates an OpenGL FBO

void  remove();

Deletes the FrameBuffer

void  bind();

Binds the FrameBuffer

void  unbind();

Unbinds the FrameBuffer

void  attach(Texture1D texture, GLenum attachment_point, GLint level = 0);

Attaches a 1D-texture to the FrameBuffer Calls validate

Texture1D  attach_new_texture(GLenum attachment_point, GLint internal_format, int width, GLenum format, GLenum type);

Attaches a new and empty 2D texture to the FrameBuffer Calls validate, and binds the returned texture

void  attach(Texture2D texture, GLenum attachment_point, GLint level = 0);

Attaches a 2D-texture to the FrameBuffer Calls validate

Texture2D  attach_new_texture(GLenum attachment_point, GLint internal_format, int width, int height, GLenum format, GLenum type);

Attaches a new and empty 2D texture to the FrameBuffer Calls validate, and binds the returned texture

void  attach(RenderBuffer rbuffer, GLenum attachment_point);

Attaches a RenderBuffer to the FrameBuffer Calls validate

RenderBuffer  attach_new_renderbuffer(GLenum attachment_point, GLenum internal_format, int width, int height);

Attaches a new renderbuffer to the FrameBuffer Calls validate, also binds the returned RenderBuffer

static void  validate();

Calls glCheckFramebufferStatus and throws a FrameBufferException if the return value is not GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE

class  RenderBuffer;

Represents an OpenGL  RenderBuffer

GLuint  renderbuffer;

The OpenGL RenderBuffer name


Creates an OpenGL RenderBuffer

void  remove();

Deletes the FrameBuffer

void  bind();

Binds the RenderBuffer

void  unbind();

Unbinds the RenderBuffer

void  set_storage(GLenum internal_format, GLsizei width, GLsizei height);

Allocates storage for the RenderBuffer

int  get_parameter(GLenum param_name);

Returns a RenderBuffer parameter